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About Us

Business Green Energy (BGE) specialises in aggregated consumer & industrial PPAs and corporate energy deal

BGE’s genesis began with the first Australian aggregated PPA that pioneered and developed the methodology to bring hundreds of independent business customers together in a joint venture led by an industry association, with our sister company Clean Energy Strategies.

The unique structure enabled hotels to enter into a fully firmed PPA that is sourced by a renewable generator but operates in a similar fashion to a standard retail supply agreement.

We pioneered this model in a landmark deal with the Australian Hotels Association in 2019, hundreds of pubs across NSW and the ACT, secured a load of over 140 GW/h in a fully firmed renewable ten-year PPA designed specifically for their industry. The PPA reduced the cost of energy for these pubs - in some instances by as much as 60% - at the same time whilst greatly improving their green credentials with much of their load sourced from a solar farm.

Lion Nathan joined the deal as an anchor client, spearheading a deal which enabled hotels to bypass expensive retail energy prices and secure their electricity needs at a lower price while meeting their environmental objectives. The PPA helped Lion cut carbon emissions at its Lidcombe site, NSW’s largest brewery - by up to 40%.

Whilst many in the energy market have experience with PPAs delivering them with large stand-alone corporate entities, this is the only aggregated PPA agreement in Australia that brings together a large cluster across one common demographic.

As such, it is proof of concept of our capacity to successfully deliver a community based PPA, using the intellectual property and market experience that has made our team the only provider of this niche and complex structure.

Whilst there is industry experience in the energy landscape of grouping a small cluster of almost identical entities - such as Councils or a handful of large corporates - these deals were never broadly based and have not sought to group business customers on a large scale across a sector or community.

We are the leading firm in Australia that has proven expertise in aggregating hundreds of individual and disparate businesses in a fully firmed PPA, as opposed to a buying group securing a group discount on a retail contract.

Business Green Energy is independent and not aligned to any generator or retailer. We run expressions of interest or tender processes for both the generator and/or retailer each time we start a PPA process in a particular state. Across our deals we partner with a variety of firms and are always seeking the most competitive terms in the market for our client customer.


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Kristina Photios
Kristina Photios
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Naomi DougallLinkedin Link

Namoi Dougall

Special Counsel Local Government

Namoi Dougal works with BGE as our Special Counsel – Local Government Energy, bringing a wealth of experience in local government and specifically the roll-out of PPAs to Councils.

Whilst CEO of SSROC, she successfully led the very first roll-out of an aggregated Council PPA which was completed in 2019.

This gave Namoi unique stewardship of both the structure and delivery of a complex PPA for local government.

A trained lawyer, she was responsible for the corporate governance, risk and probity of the SSROC deal and her work across State and Local Government for many years gives her a deep awareness and application of the responsible management of risk and probity issues throughout the process.

Namoi started her career in the legal profession having worked for tier one and two firms primarily in commercial litigation. She also been member of Migration and Refugee Review Tribunals and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where she specialised in business and skilled visas.

Namoi has broad experience across all 3 tiers of government having been a senior policy advisor to a Federal Minister and a Chief of Staff to a Minister for Local Government, as well as being the CEO of SSROC.
Namoi in these roles, through strong creative and strategic advocacy achieved results as a thought leader in areas as diverse as, health policy, procurement, smart cities infrastructure and technology, infrastructure funding, sustainability, environment and waste policy, and strategic planning.

As CEO, she strategically restructured, professionalised and commercialised a large regional organisation of councils (SSROC) strengthening its strategic procurement and purposeful advocacy. Namoi is also an experienced board member and community leader, with more than 30 years of public and community service.